Boat Slip Rentals

If a boat slip is what you need, we have all levels to suit your needs and budget. Covered slips with lifts and storage as low as $897.00 per quarter. Basic slips for as low as $587.00 per quarter. We also have several levels of slips in-between to suit your needs and budget. All slips have high fence and lighted security. Parking, water and electricity are also available.

Prices effective April 1, 2024.

Note: We cannot accommodate boats longer than 50 feet.

Section A: 1-32 Covered
Quarterly $867.00
+ $30 Maintenance fee
Section B: 1-15 Covered
Quarterly $784.00
+ $30 Maintenance fee
Section C: 1-18 & D: 19-36 Center Pier
Quarterly $656.00
+ $30 Maintenance fee
Section D Bulkhead: 1-18
Quarterly $650.00
+ $30 Maintenance fee
Section E: 1-20
Quarterly $629.00
+ $30 Maintenance fee
Section F: 1-19
Quarterly $680.00
+ $30 Maintenance fee
Section G: 1-4
Quarterly $557.00
+ $30 Maintenance fee
Section O: 1-11
Quarterly $510.00
+ $30 Maintenance fee

Boat Slip Rental Application

Download the application

Insurance Requirement: